Saturday, May 13, 2017


I was getting ready to leave the house when suddenly I heard my Mom screaming from the kitchen. I ran hurriedly to see her and I saw her crying and screaming so much and telling me that the oven is on FIRE !! We have a small balcony next to the kitchen and the oven is there. She was putting the fire pan with oil in it on fire and she forgot to check it.

 I saw the fire coming from the fire pan, and it was really huge. My Mom wanted to get rid of the fire but she doesn't know how to do this. Me neither. I really don't know how to get rid of this HUGE FIRE. I didn't have the time to think about a safe way to get rid of it so I took the fire pan and I threw it from the kitchen's window. I know that it's a dangerous idea but unfortunately I didn't find any other solution.

After we got rid of the fire that was coming from the fire pan, I had a panic attack, and my Mom and my Grandma were crying so much! This could happen to my Mom if I left the house five minutes earlier! I'm so scared and in shock right now because of what happened.
Fortunately I was at home and I saved OUR lives.

I got some first-degree burns on my right hand but I really thank God for that we are all safe now. How would you react if you experienced what happened to me? 

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


I love coffee more than any other hot drinks. I love the black coffee, espresso, and even the commercial cheap Nescafé. I love the Turkish coffee also.
When I was in the age of 14 I asked my Mom if I can drink Turkish coffee with her but she  didn't allow me to do this saying that I will look like a man with a mustache if I drink it.
Now, I'm an adult and I drink coffee more than twice per day. Basically one in the morning before my first class at the university, and one afternoon, but sometimes I drink it in the evening also. I know that it makes me stressed (sometimes) but I can not deny that I always feel the urge to drink coffee.

This photo is taken by me. Visit my page to see more.

Sunday, January 29, 2017


Midnight Express

I'm not a big fan of old movies, but this one has significantly changed my opinion.

Midnight Express is a American-British Turkish movie published in 1978, directed by the Alan Parker, and produced by David Puttnam, and starring Brad Davis, Irene Miracle, Bo Hopkins, Paolo Bonacelli, Paul L. Smith, Randy Quaid, Norbert Weisser, Peter Jeffrey and John Hurt.

It is based on Billy Hayes' (his story broke my heart) 1977 non-fiction book Midnight Express (I am so looking to read it soon) and was adapted into the screenplay by Oliver Stone.

Billy was a young American student sent to a Turkish prison for trying to smuggle hash (hashish) out of Turkey. 

He was at the airport in Turkey, and there were the policemen checking the passengers. He was sweating all the time when the policeman was checking his bag, and this is an evidence that Billy is so innocent guy. Then by chance the policeman let him go because he found nothing in his bag, so Billy at that moment felt so happy, but things happened after that.
He took a bus, and while the driver was driving the bus, he stopped because there was  policemen checking the cars, and the people.
Billy's heart was beating so fast like a child. 
The policeman asked the passengers to get out of the bus to check them, so they all did what he asked expect Billy. He stayed there and hid himself but the policeman saw him and caught him.

While the policemen were checking Billy's bag, and clothes, they found the hash surrounding his chest, so they arrested him,

They cut his hair, hit him so hard, made him feel in deep pain physically and emotionally, made him stand for hours naked.
He was so honest to them, even he was hiding another plastic bag of hash in his shoe, so he gave them everything he was hiding.

In the prison he met a lot of bad people. Terrorists, killers, drug dealers, and so many criminals were in that prison, and many of them don't speak his language.
But he also met good ones, and
people who took care of him and
spoke his language.
The jailor  left him without a blanket or anything that can warm him; he was feeling so cold.

The jailor treated him so badly, and unfairly. And this film shows us how bad the prisons were at that time in Turkey.
They may kill people for no reason, without any mercy for them, this think made him all the time feel so sad, and broken inside.
He tried to escape from the prison many times but he failed, and caught by the jailers many times.

In the prison an homosexual man felt in love with Billy, and they kissed each other after a shower but then Billy left him in the shower after kissing because I think he was confused.
They tried many times to flee from the prison together, and they put good plans, but they couldn't.

In this picture Billy and his friends were trying to put a good plan for fleeing from the prison. And that plan was really good, but one of the prisoners told the jailor about them which made Billy so mad at him, so he hit him so much, and made the blood fill his face.

In 1975 Billy's girlfriend Susan came to visit him. She told him that he has to escape or else he will die in there for ever.
He visit moves Billy strongly. He says Goodbye to his friend Max telling him not to die,and promising him to come back for him.
He bribes the jailor Hamidou into taking him to sanitarium, where there are no guards. Instead Hamidou takes Billy past to sanitarium to another room, and prepares to rape him. 

Fighting back Billy kills Hamidou by pushing him backwards. He seizes the opportunity to escape by putting on a guard's uniform, and walking out of the front door.

In the epilogue, it is explained that on the night of October 4, 1975 he successfully crossed the border to Greece, and arrived home three weeks later.

Saturday, January 28, 2017


This is what he told me,

"One day I woke up, and I found out that words could not get out of my mouth, I found speechless and voiceless, I found myself mute.

My son took me to the hospital. After many medical exams I spoke again but with difficulty. The doctor there gave me Anticoagulant, and after 4 days I fell on the floor, and I lost a lot of blood, so my soon took me to CHN (a hospital
located in Zgharta),  and the doctor there told me that I shouldn't take that Anticoagulant.
I want to ask the minister of health, why don't you stop those doctors who wrongly diagnose patiences."


I used to see this man reading a newspaper on the sidewalk of Mina-Road street every day I go to the university early morning between 7 and 8 AM. Today, I asked him if I can take a photograph of him; he was so friendly with me, but also he was annoyed with the fact that the news seemed too bad.