Saturday, May 13, 2017


I was getting ready to leave the house when suddenly I heard my Mom screaming from the kitchen. I ran hurriedly to see her and I saw her crying and screaming so much and telling me that the oven is on FIRE !! We have a small balcony next to the kitchen and the oven is there. She was putting the fire pan with oil in it on fire and she forgot to check it.

 I saw the fire coming from the fire pan, and it was really huge. My Mom wanted to get rid of the fire but she doesn't know how to do this. Me neither. I really don't know how to get rid of this HUGE FIRE. I didn't have the time to think about a safe way to get rid of it so I took the fire pan and I threw it from the kitchen's window. I know that it's a dangerous idea but unfortunately I didn't find any other solution.

After we got rid of the fire that was coming from the fire pan, I had a panic attack, and my Mom and my Grandma were crying so much! This could happen to my Mom if I left the house five minutes earlier! I'm so scared and in shock right now because of what happened.
Fortunately I was at home and I saved OUR lives.

I got some first-degree burns on my right hand but I really thank God for that we are all safe now. How would you react if you experienced what happened to me? 

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


I love coffee more than any other hot drinks. I love the black coffee, espresso, and even the commercial cheap Nescafé. I love the Turkish coffee also.
When I was in the age of 14 I asked my Mom if I can drink Turkish coffee with her but she  didn't allow me to do this saying that I will look like a man with a mustache if I drink it.
Now, I'm an adult and I drink coffee more than twice per day. Basically one in the morning before my first class at the university, and one afternoon, but sometimes I drink it in the evening also. I know that it makes me stressed (sometimes) but I can not deny that I always feel the urge to drink coffee.

This photo is taken by me. Visit my page to see more.